1 John Devotional
God is Love
1 John 4:16b God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.
Have you ever been let down by someone who said they loved you? I sure have. And, I've let others down that I was supposed to love. That's human nature. We have a love that is broken by our sinful nature.
But John shares exciting news with us: God is love! The implications of this are big.
God is perfect untouched by sin, so His love is also perfect and never fails!
The love that God has is so much greater than what we can even imagine and satisfies our needs. (You can learn more in 1 Corinthians 13.)
And finally, this love can live within us so that we can begin to demonstrate this love to those in our lives.
As you think about this today, here are 2 questions to consider:
How great has God's love been to me?
What can I do to show the love of God to someone that needs it today?